A future for St Andrew’s – an update on the recent community consultation

A huge thank you to all of you who took the time to respond to our recent community consultation exercise. It was great to welcome almost 100 members of the community into the church over two dark and damp evenings in October to share thoughts, concerns and support for the future of the building. A precis of the two events can be found on our website. Response to our online survey was on the whole positive and we received a number of emails supporting a sustainable future for the building. In addition, our Slate Appeal received over £3,000 of donations bringing our running total to £6,102.50 (inclusive of Gift Aid).

So what next?

Plaster falls on the north aisle

The working group met on 12 December to discuss the findings and feel positive in making a recommendation to the Parochial Church Council at its meeting in January for work to start to secure a future for the building. If we get the go ahead we plan to start looking into how to make the building sustainable. This includes looking into what work is needed, investigating what people want, and start fundraising.

We will do our best to keep you informed of progress through The Pinnacle, our website: www.kildwick.org.uk, and Facebook.

  • Donate to the Sponsor a Slate appeal – If you wish to donate, you can download a form or donate online here
  • Support us – Join us at fundraising events, take part in future consultations, and give us a smile!
  • Get involved! – To make this happen we need you! We are a group of volunteers who would love to welcome you on board. Don’t by shy… ‘many hands make light work!’ If you’d like to be involved, please contact the Revd. Julie Bacon (revjulesbacon@gmail.com or 01274 405170 or 07966 996868)
  • And you are always welcome to join us for any of our services, particularly over the Christmas season – see The Pinnacle or our website for further details.

St Andrew’s Church Building Working Group