Christmas Services at St Andrew’s 2019

Sunday 8th December 4pm – Christmas in the Park – a CDFC event in which members from St Andrew’s will be taking part. Come and take part in a walking nativity, starting outside Stoney Royd on North Road, Sutton. Sunday 15th December 2.30pm – Messy Christmas – come along to Kildwick Parish Rooms for crafts, […]

Catchup for Summer Hols

Summer Fair – A huge thank you for all the work you put into the Summer fair, I think
you will all agree it was a fantastic event – great Photo’s on our Facebook Page. The
amount raised is approximately £2,400.

Tea and Scones Will be served in the Parish Rooms each Sunday until September from
2.30 pm – 4.30 pm. If you are able to help by hosting an afternoon, baking scones or
church sitting so that our ancient church can be open for visitors, please sign the list at
the back of the church.

Jigsaw Christmas Bags – Toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, hairbrushes, soap, small
toys, crayons are needed to fill these bags which will be given to the children at
Christmas. Items are required by the end of July so they can be despatched to Tim Lee
in August.

Knotthenot Stitching Group – Is not meeting again until September due to

Chuffs – Will finish on Tuesday 16th July for the summer holidays and will begin again
in September.


Christmas Services 2017

Dates for your diary in January, 2016

Services for Christmas. Thank you very much to everyone who has contributed to our various services as we celebrated Christmas together as a church community: those who cleaned and decorated the church building, the bell ringers, the musicians (organist, choir and music group) and the lay ministers in worship (welcomers, lesson readers, intercessors and communion assistants).

Christmas Services Collections. The collections at the Carol Service, Midnight Eucharist and Christmas Day services will be shared between St George’s Crypt, Leeds, and the Church Mission Society & the Jigsaw Kids Ministries in Manila. The collection at the Crib Service is for The Children’s Society. Details of monies raised will be given soon.

The Season of Epiphany. The season of Epiphany continues until Sunday 31st January when we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) with a Family Communion Service (including Christingles) at 10.00am.

Christmas Stamps. Don’t forget to save your Christmas stamps for charity. They can be left in the box by the church door. Postcards are also collected.

Pilgrim course, ‘The Commandments’, starting NEXT Monday 4th January and Wednesday 6th January. The third module of the Pilgrim course will explore the Commandments and will take place over 6 weeks. Each module stands alone so there is no requirement to have attended previous modules to attend this one.

If you are interested in joining either the Monday afternoon group or the Wednesday evening group contact Robin, 633307, or Sandie Walton, 636501.